Friday, April 27, 2012


Today it's raining. Eric and I worked on preparing the beds for the beets and onions. We tilled the front beds with the furrower that Eric created for the rototiller, which allowed us to push through the wet dirt and rake it up onto the two new beds leaving a path in the middle. The soil was looking healthy, albeit a bit muddy this morning, but by the afternoon it was far too muddy to work in.

We also weeded the garlic patch, which was planted in the fall. The hay that was laid down on and around the rows is working well keeping the weeds down, so this was a relatively quick and easy endeavor. 

The Seamark market started up again this morning so Missy harvested some greens and radishes from the back greenhouse to sell.  The market was a bit slow, but Holly's soup, Tinder Hearth bread and good company made for a warm and cozy lunch. 


Monday, April 23, 2012

We've had three kids born so far this season and more are on the way!